Discovering Gan Cube 🧩
Hello everybody!
Do you remember when you were a kid? I am totally sure that somebody brought you a Rubik’s Cube! At least, I had one… One with the teletubbies printed in the cubes, haha.
But, although mine was a little bit weird, the normal ones were only colored with different colors to distinguish all the sides and solve the tricky puzzle.
We have been able to enjoy Rubik’s Cubes for more than 45 years. Nowadays GanCube has lots of different models, because as years have passed, Rubik’s Cubes have totally changed, with several models available, to the easiest to the most complicated one. They are amazing but, why should you buy one of them?
Rubik’s Cubes are good to improve mathematical abilities
When you are trying to resolve the cube, you are perceiving reality, So, you see sizes, directions or other things that can be very useful when it comes to maths.
Useful to have more spatial intelligence
As you solve more and more cubes, your mind is more prepared, processing information in a faster and logical way than before. In a funny way and without realizing, you are training your brain!
It is good for your memory
As you are moving the cubes from one side to another, you have to know where they were and where you are going to put them through the changes you do.
Makes your hands more agile
Playing with the cube is like working out for your hands. As you are moving and moving the cubes, your hands get used to it and they become more and more agile thanks to the time you spend with the cube.
You cannot get bored with it
As I said, everyday more models of Rubik’s Cubes appear. For example, look at this Gan Cube Robot! It is incredible because this robot can solve the cube in 5 seconds by itself thanks to its Artificial Intelligence.
A great advantage that it has is that you can use it as a teacher, because it includes guides to solve cubes step by step.
You can also use it as a competition assistant, which is a really interesting and funny option! Also, you can use it to train yourself and as a battle assistant, which is convenient too.
On this webpage, there are a lot more types of Rubik’s Cubes so, to decide which one is the best for you, you can go through this link and see them by yourself.
Are you willing to try them? Or maybe you are into Rubik’s Cubes now. Whatever be your situation, please let me know in the comment section below. I will read what you posted as soon as possible
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